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21 sept 2011

For you

Warm winds of the summer had made their way to the city. Flowers reached for the sky with the glory of their colors. The nature had become alive. There was this one lost soul walking the endless path of the lonely roads. Searching for something, someone, to bring along life, all the bright colors and warmth.

Footsteps echo in the landscape and to the wind she whispers. Closed eyes form a teardrop. Not a moment later, there was a warm hand in her cheek, wiping the tear away. "Don't cry, just hold my hand and we'll fly."

Hand in hand they walk, through parks, streets and highways. Shadows and sunshines. With the greatest aim of all: happiness. Each other's worries they carry, all the laughter they share. As a shield they stand in front of the loved one, so nothing in the world could come through and hurt. Into the same bubble they crawl when the whole world is shut, from everyone else but themselves.

To you, I've given my heart. For you, I would do anything. With you, my soul is no longer lost and lonely. It has a partner, a soulmate that has brought along life, all the bright colors and warmth.

Just hold my hand and we'll fly

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